Thursday, November 29, 2012

Ceramic Experiments

Casting cucumbers with normal slip, then with colours. I had expected it to mix more, but theres always next time.

Our latest homework was fired, cups with a metallic black bronze... wish the tutor had told us you can drink from them...

This is the dead sea clay bisque fired - 950 degrees.

These are some tests that have now gone in a high fire along with some tests that I am testing various metals on just a test post that has been bisque fired. Such as:
* Staples
* the top off a Tuborg bottle
* muscle shell

I learned about the ancient chinese potters who use celadon glazes and a girl in my class, Leron, is experimenting with them. She put different everyday metals (staples, rust, copper wire) with them as a test and they dripped and bled, I really like this idea. 


Homework is to do 2 cylinders curved out the way and 2 curved in the way:

(Today this one dropped and so now is flat...)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Walks Around the City

Dome Of the Rock, Temple Mount

After many tries we finally got the right hour, on the right day and we could go up the temporary wooden ramp entrance to the temple mount. Truly amazing place! Peaceful but full of people, totally secluded but you could have some amazing views of the city, many tourists but many more holy people being blown away by the power of god. My favourite part is the tiles on the temple.

Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Urban Photography 4